MSc → PhD?

Rowan Cockett
August 2013


  1. Course work
  2. Richards equation
  3. Logically orthogonal mesh
  4. The future

Course Work


  1. Numerical Optimization (Friedlander)
  2. Sparse Matrix Computation (Greif)
  3. Numerical Solution of Differential Equations (Ascher)
  4. Linear Inverse Theory (Haber)
  5. Advanced Groundwater Hydrogeology (Beckie)
  6. Teaching and Learning in the Geosciences (Gilley)
  7. Computational Electromagnetics (Haber)

Numerical Optimization

DC Resistivity Inversion Using Various Objective Functions

  • Exposed to optimization techniques
  • Looked at objective functions
  • Crash course in numerical operator creation
  • Found my first block in a half-space

Find the Block

Objective Functions

Found it!?

Sparse Matrix Computation

Block Conjugate Gradient for Multiple Right Hand Sides

  • Exposed to iterative solvers
  • Looked into many different block solvers (CG, GMRES, ...)
  • Crash course refresher into linear algebra
  • Increased the speed of my DC inversion

CG vs Steepest Descent

Decreasing Solve Time

Numerical Differential Eqns

Simulation of Unsaturated Flow using Richards Equation

  • Exposed to numerically solving differential equations
  • Finite volume and difference techniques
  • Explored Richards equation for ground water flow
  • Compared multiple ways to solve the non-linear PDE
  • Exposed to how to test my code
    • Fictitious source tests
    • Gradient tests

Finite Volume

Simulating in 2D and 3D

Inverse Theory

Hydraulic Conductivity Inverse Problem using Richards Equation

  1. (re)Exposed to general concepts in inverse theory
  2. Implemented an inverse problem in time
  3. Improved and generalized my MATLAB code base
  4. Calculation of derivatives (discretize then optimize)
  5. Learned details of large scale inversions

Cockett, R. & E. Haber. 2013. A Numerical Method for the Estimation of Distributed Hydraulic Conductivity Using Richards Equation. In Prep.

The setup.

Going from time-lapse data... a model of the earth.

True vs. Recovered

Groundwater Hydrogeology

Annacis Island groundwater budget analysis

  1. (re)Exposed to concepts in hydrogeology
  2. Real-world & application based

Teaching & Learning

  • Presentation, assignments, learning outcomes
  • Opportunity to use my software: Visible Geology

Computational Electromagnetics

Logically Rectangular Meshes for Geophysical Applications

  • Exposed to simulation using Maxwell's equations
  • Wrote a frequency domain EM inverse code
  • Further exposed to finite volume
  • Wrote a finite volume package for LOM

L. Ruthotto ↔ R. Cockett ↔ E. Haber. 2013. Mimetic mesh generation and simulation for geophysical electromagnetics problems. In prep.

Differential Operators in 3D

And then there were details...

Aligning Meshes to Layers

Padding Meshes to Infinity

Simulating EM response on a LOM

Richards Equation Inversion

Full Presentation

Logically Rectangular Mesh

Full Presentation

The Future

Joint Time-Lapse Inversions:

  • Fluid flow and electromagnetics
  • Empirical relations
  • Correlating structures
  • Simple (parameterized?) models
  • Including geology
  • Better predictions
  • Better use of data

Thank you!

PhD Upgrade Committee Meeting - Rowan Cockett